File Structure

In this section of the documentaion we will briefly discuss the file structure of Wave so that way you can better familiarize yourself with how Wave functions.

Root Folder Structure

If you are already familiar with Laravel a lot of this will seem very familiar. Let's discuss each main folder/file in your Wave application.

{info} bold text indicates a folder, non-bold indicates a file.

  • app - This directory will hold most (if not all) of your application logic including Models, Controllers, Services, and many other classes.

  • bootstrap - This folder contains files to bootstrap (start-up) Laravel.

  • config - This folder will container many of the global configurations in our application.

  • database - This folder contains database files such as migrations and seeds.

  • hooks - This file contains a list of hooks to be included in the Voyager Admin.

  • public - This public folder contains many of the applications public assets such as images, stylesheets, and scripts.

  • resources - This folder contains the views inside of our application and it also contains our theme files located inside of resources/views/themes folder.

  • routes - This folder will contain all the routes files for our application.

  • storage - This folder is used to store session information, cache files, and logs.

  • tests - This folder contains files that we use to test the logic of our application.

  • vendor - This folder contains the composer (third-party) dependencies we use in our application.

  • wave - This folder contains all the logic for the wave application. We'll be talking more about the contents of this folder in the next step.

  • - This file is used in an internal tool in order to test the functionality of the the wave project (you can feel free to remove this file if you would like)

  • .env.example - This is an example environment file. Duplicate this file and rename it to .env in order to make it your application environment file.

  • artisan - This is the artisan command we use to run CLI commands, such as php artisan tinker and many others.

  • composer.json - This is the file that tells our application what third-party composer packages we want to include.

  • composer.lock - This is the file that contains the exact version number of the composer packages included in our application.

  • phpunit.xml - This file is used to store information in order to run tests and test the functionality of our application.

  • - This is a quick Readme Markdown file.

  • server.php - This is the file that allows us to create a quick local PHP server.

Wave Folder Structure

The Wave folder structure is pretty simple and straight forward. If you look inside the wave folder located in the application folder you will see the following folder structure:

  • database - This folder contains the migration files needed for our Wave application.

  • docs - This folder contains the documentation files. The files from which you are reading right now.

  • routes - This folder contains the routes defined for our wave application. You will see the web routes located at wave/routes/web.php and the API routes located at /wave/routes/api.php, go ahead and feel free to take a look at the defined routes.

  • src - This is where all the logic happens for our Wave application including Models, Controllers, Helpers, and much more.

  • composer.json - This file is used to require any dependencies required by Wave.